Sensei Garry Lewis, Sam, Shihan Barlow, Sensei Duwain Chase and Sensei Mike Wilde
Zuki (punches) to Jodan (Upper), Chudan (Middle) and Gedan (Lower) progressing to Ren Zuki (alternating punches) finishing with Kiai (focusing shout literally - "Meeting of the spirits").
Moving on to Uke (Blocks) again to Jodan, Chudan and Gedan progressing to Ren Uke (Alternating Blocks) finishing with Kiai
Shihan then moved on to more advanced combinations of Chudan Zuki, Empei (Elbow strike), Uraken (Back fist) and Oi Gyakuzuki (Step through reverse punch)
After a short break Shihan then moved to fighting stance Suri Ashi Gyakuzuki (sliding step reverse punch) and back to Kamae (Guard position) which then developed into practising a fast changing stance Gyakuzuki with partners.
Next the lesson changed to the practice of "ring craft" with partners moving around the dojo in two groups changing stances..
Shihan further developed the 'ring craft'; into a fun practice her termed the 'Dragon's tail'. A defender, wearing an extra Obi (Belt) at the back of their own Obi, moved around avoiding obstacles (The rest of the students) whilst keeping facing the attacker
Shihan finished the lesson with continuous touch Kumite (Ably demonstrated first by Shihan himself).
Finally a warm down of leg raises and press ups