Ready Stance
Standard Stance
Cat Stance
Horse Stance
Upper Block
Middle Block
Lower Block
Upper Punch
Reverse Punch
Leading Hand Punch
Ready Stance, Standard stance, Upper Block, Step through Upper Punch and Thrust
10 x Press Ups
10 x Sit Ups
10 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
Reverse hand punch (Gyaku zuki) to the body. Repeat opposite.
Reverse hand punch (Gyaku zuki)to the head. Repeat opposite.
Reverse hand block (Jodan Uke) to the head. Repeat opposite.
Reverse hand block (Chudan Uke) to the body. Repeat opposite.
Reverse hand block (Gedan Uke) to low level. Repeat opposite.
Basic Kamae
Step Through and Punch (Oi zuki)
Reverse Punch (Gykau zuki)
Leading hand punch (Maeken zuki)
Basic Kicks
Front kick (Mae geri)
Shukokai Combinations
1a) - Step forward, right punch to the face (jodan oi zuki), left thrust to the body.
1b) - Change Stance & Guard, step forward, left punch to the face, right thrust to the body.
1c) - One leg right punch, left thrust.
1d) - Step forward, right face punch, left thrust, step forward, right gyaku zuki, Left thrust.
Shihozuki (cross kata) 1
20 x Press Ups
20 x Sit Ups
20 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
Lead hand block - either high, middle or low. Reverse punch to the body.
Repeat opposite.
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch.
Reverse punch.
Leading hand punch. Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
1A - Stepping punch to the face, thrust to the chest.
2A - Sliding reverse punch to the body, thrust to the chest.
3A - Sliding lead hand punch to the face, thrust to the chest
4A - Front kick to the body, right hand punch to the face, thrust to the body.
Basic Kicks
Round-house kick (Mawashi geri) + Any from lower grade syllabus
Kicking Combinations
Half step lead leg round-house kick, reverse leg front kick Repeat opposite.
Freefighting Combinations
1A - Lead hand back fist (uraken uchi), reverse punch, sliding lead hand back fist. Swap stance then repeat.
1B - Reverse punch, lead hand back fist, slide in, reverse punch. Swap stance repeat opposite
Pad Work
Any punch or kick from grade.
Shihozuki (cross katas) 5 & 6
Pinan Nidan
Hokei Kumite
Number 1 – Pinan Nidan
30 x Press Ups
30 x Sit Ups
30 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
Lead hand punch to face, reverse punch to the body. Repeat opposite.
Reverse punch to the body, same hand punch to face. Repeat opposite.
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch Reverse punch
Leading hand punch Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
5A - Half a step, at the same time left hand thrust to the face, lead leg front kick, reverse punch to the face, thrust to the body.
6A - Step back, right open hand block across the face, left reverse punch to the body, thrust to the body.
Basic Kicks
Back kick (Ushiro geri) + Any from lower grade syllabus
Kicking Combinations
Reverse leg front kick, round-house kick (both kicks - same leg). Repeat opposite
Reverse leg front kick, reverse leg round-house kick, reverse leg back kick
Repeat opposite.
Freefighting Combinations
Half a step (with back leg) leading hand punch to the face. Half a step (with front leg) reverse punch. Swap stance then repeat opposite.
Pad Work
Any punch and kick from grade.
Pinan Shodan
Hokei Kumite
Number 2 – Pinan Shodan
40 x Press Ups
40 x Sit Ups
40 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
Open leading hand block down and then across the face, reverse punch to the body. Repeat opposite.
Open leading hand block down, same hand punch to the face, reverse punch to the body. Repeat opposite.
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch. Reverse punch.
Leading hand punch. Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
7A - Sliding open left hand block down. Reverse punch to the body then thrust to the body.
8A - Right open hand strike to the face in a lunging motion, allow right leg to follow, left hand punch to the body, thrust to the body.
Basic Kicks
Side kick (Sokuto or Yoko geri) + Any from lower grade syllabus
Kicking Combinations
Front kick, step behind side kick,-half step round-house kick (all kicks with same leg). Repeat opposite.
Leading leg side kick (no half step), reverse leg spinning side kick
Repeat opposite.
Freefighting Combinations
Reverse hand lunge punch to the face, reverse punch to the body
Repeat opposite.
Pad Work
Any punch or kick from grade.
Pinan Sandan
Hokei Kumite
Number 3 – Pinan Sandan
Jiyu Kumite
Free Fighting
50 x Press Ups
50 x Sit Ups
50 x Leg Raises
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch. Reverse Punch
Leading hand punch. Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
9A- Right leg sweep, right hand punch to the face, left hand reverse thrust to the body
10A – Body shift to the right (taisabaki), left hand block low-right hand block high, left hand hook under, right hand grabs the shoulder, right foot sweep, right hand punch down to the ground. Back to guard position.
Basic Kicks
Hook kick (Ura geri)
Kicking Combinations
Lead leg jumping front kick, reverse leg back kick Repeat opposite.
Reverse leg side kick, hook kick, round-house kick (all same leg).
Repeat opposite.
Freefighting Combinations
Slide in lead hand punch, slide out lead hand fore-arm block, reverse hand spinning back fist. Repeat opposite.
Pad Work
Any punch and kick from grade.
Pinan Yondan.
Hokei Kumite
Number 4 – Pinan Yondan
Kihon Gumite
One step sparring: Defence from stepping punch and front kick
Jiyu Kumite
Free Fighting
50 x Press Ups
50 x Sit Ups
50 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
Any from previous grade
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch. Reverse Punch
Leading hand punch. Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
1A – 10A
Basic Kicks
Spinning roundhouse kick (Ushiro Mawashi Geri)
Kicking Combinations
Lead leg round-house kick, reverse leg spinning hook kick Repeat opposite.
Reverse leg round-house kick, same leg tornado kick (soto tobi mikazuki geri)(spin right around).
Repeat opposite.
Freefighting Combinations
Leading hand punch-swap stance at the same time. Back leg sweep, reverse punch to the body. Repeat opposite.
Back kick, same leg round-house kick, reverse punch to the body.
Repeat opposite.
Pad Work
All punches and Kicks from grade and previous grades.
Pinan Godan
Hotei Kumite
Number 5 – Pinan Godan
Kihon Gumite
One step sparring- defence from stepping punch, front kick & roundhouse kick
Jiyu Kumite
Free Fighting
50 x Press Ups
50 x Sit Ups
50 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
All from previous grades
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch. Reverse punch
Leading hand punch. Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
1 A&B to 10 A&B
Basic Kicks
Axe kick (Kakato geri)
Kicking Combinations
Lead leg hook kick, reverse leg jumping round-house kick (tobi mawashi geri) Repeat opposite.
Jumping reverse leg side kick, step behind, same leg hook kick then axe kick
Repeat opposite.
Free-fighting Combinations
Reverse leg sweep and then round-house kick, kicking leg lands forward then reverse punch. Repeat opposite.
Leading hand punch, slide lead leg 45 degrees, at the same time punch to the opposite 45 degrees, reverse leg side kick along the same angle as the punch. Repeat opposite.
Pad Work
All punches and Kicks from grade and previous grades.
Jurokono; Matsukaze
Demonstrate bunkai (applications) from either of these Katas
Hokei Kumite
All - Numbers 1 to 5
Kihon Kumite
One step sparring - Defence from stepping punch front kick & round-house kick
Self Defence
Defence from any Habitual Act of Violence (HAV)
Jiyu Kumite
Free Fighting
50 x Press Ups
50 x Sit Ups
50 x Leg Raises
Basic Yoi
All from previous grades
Basic Kamae
Stepping punch. Reverse punch
Leading hand punch. Plus any block
Shukokai Combinations
1 A&B to 10 A&B
Basic Kicks
Axe kick (Kakato geri)
Kicking Combinations
Lead leg hook kick, reverse leg jumping round-house kick (tobi mawashi geri) Repeat opposite.
Jumping reverse leg side kick, step behind, same leg hook kick then axe kick
Repeat opposite.
Free-fighting Combinations
Reverse leg sweep and then round-house kick, kicking leg lands forward then reverse punch. Repeat opposite.
Leading hand punch, slide lead leg 45 degrees, at the same time punch to the opposite 45 degrees, reverse leg side kick along the same angle as the punch. Repeat opposite.
Pad Work
All punches and Kicks from grade and previous grades.
Demonstrate bunkai (applications)
Hokei Kumite
All - Numbers 1 to 5
Kihon Kumite
One step sparring - Defence from stepping punch front kick & round-house kick
Self Defence
Defence from any Habitual Act of Violence
Jiyu Kumite
Free Fighting
(coming soon)
Free Style Sparring
2nd Dan (Black Belt)
(coming soon)
(coming soon)