Ayumi ashi (a-yoo-me ash-ee) : Natural stepping
Fudo-dachi (foo-dough dah-chee) : Rooted stance also Sochin-dachi
Gankaku-dachi (gahn-kah-koo dah-chee) : One legged stance Tsuri-ashi-dachi, Sagi-ashi-dachi
Gedan no kamae (gay-dahn no kah-may) : Lower level combative posture
Hachiji-dachi (hah-chee-gee dah-chee) : Open-leg stance
Han-zenkutsu-dachi (hahn zen-koo-tsue dah-chee) : Half forward stance
Hangetsu-dachi (hahn-geh-tsue dah-chee) : Half-moon stance
Hanmi (hahn-me) : Half-front-facing position
Hanmi no kamae (han-me no kah-may) : Half forward facing combative posture
Heiko-dachi (hay-koh dah-chee) : Parallel stance
Heisoku-dachi (hay-sow-koo dah-chee) : Informal attention stance
Hidari-shizen-tai (he-dah-rhee she- zen tah-ee) : Left natural position
Hidari-teiji-dachi (he-dah-rhee teh-gee dah-chee) : Left T-stance
Jodan no kamae (joh-dahn no kah-may) : Upper level combative posture
Kiba-dachi (key-bah dah-chee) : Straddle-leg stance also Naihanchin-dachi or Naifanchin-dachi
Kokutsu-dachi (koe-koo-tsu dah-chee) : Back stance
Kosa-dachi (koe-sah dah-chee) : Crossed legged stance
Musubi-dachi (moo-sue-be dah-chee) : Informal attention stance,feet turned out
Naifanchin-dachi (ni-fahn-chin dah-chee) : Straddle stance, also Naihanchin-dachi, or Kiba-Dachi
Naihanshi-dachi (ni-hahn-she dah-chee) : Kiba-dachi with knees turned in and down.
Naihanchin-dachi (ni-hahn-chin dah-chee) : Straddle stance, also Naifanchin-dachi, or Kiba-Dachi
Neko-ashi-dachi (neh-koh ah-she-dah-chee) : Cat stance
Reinoji-dachi (ray-no-gee dah-chee) : L stance
Sagi-ashi-dachi (sah-gee ah-shee dah-chee) : Propped stance, also Tsuri-ashi-dachi, Gankaku-ashi-dachi
Sanchin-dachi (san-chin dah-chee) : Hour-glass stance
Sesan-dachi (seh-sahn dah-chee) : Side facing straddle stance
Shiko-dachi (she-ko dah-chee) : Square stance
Shizen-dachi no kamae (she-zen no kah-may) : Natural combative posture
Shizentai (she-zen tay) : Natural position
Sochin-dachi (so-chin dah-chee) : Diagonal straddle-leg "Immovable" stance also Fudo-dachi
Suri ashi (soo-rhee ash-ee) : Sliding step
Teiji-dachi (teh-gee dah-chee) : T stance
Tsugi ashi (tsue-gee ash-ee) : Shuffling step
Tsumasaki (tsue-mah-sah-key) : Tips of toes
Tsuru-ashi-dachi (tsue-roo-ah-shee dah-chee) : Crane stance, also Gankaku-ashi-dachi, Sagi-ashi-dachi
Uchi-hachiji-dachi (oo-chee ha-chee-gee dah-chee) : Inverted open-leg stance
Yori ashi (yoh-rhee ash-ee) : Dragging step
Zenkutsu-dachi (zen-koo-tsue dah-chee) : Forward stance
Komayaka Karate Club Copyright © 2009-2015